Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Art Books - Kindergarten

It's an exciting time to be learning in Kindergarten art. We are kicking off the year by beginning a Kindergarten art book that will include pages on many topics we will be discussing this year. We have already designed our cover, complete with an illustration. The book will be finished and ready to take home in March, at Open House!

We transitioned into Primary Colors and completed a page colored completely in red, blue, and yellow for our Art Book. We read and retold the story Mouse Paint and learned about how Primary Colors are special because they combine to make Secondary Colors--purple, orange, and green! The next few weeks will be filled with color-mixing activities for our Book.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Contour Shoes - 4th Grade

Peee-yew! What's that smell? Why, it's the Sparks fourth graders, with their shoes off in Art class!

Fourth grade is learning about contour lines, which outline edges and surface ridges of objects. Artists make these drawings to help them become more perceptive. Practicing these kinds of drawings helps the communication between the eye, the brain, and the hand.

When an artist makes a blind contour drawing (we tried one earlier with our hand as the subject), it means they make a contour drawing only looking at the subject they are drawing--and NOT at their paper/drawing hand. Quite a challenge!

Here's a glimpse into our project:

We drew a picture of our shoe with permanent marker

We covered our drawings with tissue paper squares
Then we put our work on this contraption.
Do you know what it's called?

tie-dyed shoes!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Art in all forms...

Art shows up in the most unexpected of places. These henna hands belong to a former Sparks student. Aren't they beautiful?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Plan Your Own Museum - 2nd Grade

This is a fun beginning-of-the-year group project. We preface the activity by talking about museums we know or have been to and some things that those museums have in common.

The groups of 3-5 kids design their own museum by answering the above questions in a planning stage. Then they use crayons and pencils to design a floor map or snapshot of the inside of their museum.

What museums have you visited? What did you learn?