Monday, September 13, 2010

Contour Shoes - 4th Grade

Peee-yew! What's that smell? Why, it's the Sparks fourth graders, with their shoes off in Art class!

Fourth grade is learning about contour lines, which outline edges and surface ridges of objects. Artists make these drawings to help them become more perceptive. Practicing these kinds of drawings helps the communication between the eye, the brain, and the hand.

When an artist makes a blind contour drawing (we tried one earlier with our hand as the subject), it means they make a contour drawing only looking at the subject they are drawing--and NOT at their paper/drawing hand. Quite a challenge!

Here's a glimpse into our project:

We drew a picture of our shoe with permanent marker

We covered our drawings with tissue paper squares
Then we put our work on this contraption.
Do you know what it's called?

tie-dyed shoes!

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